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Lithium Battery

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How do lithium batteries work? What were lithium batteries first proposed in the 1970s? They were commercially produced by Sony in 1991. Lithium batteries can now be found in cars, planes, and mobile phones. Although they have many advantages that have led to their increasing success in energy, lithium ion battery have some drawbacks. This topic is often a hot topic.What are the four components of a lithium battery? The cathode is what determines the voltage and capacity of the battery. It also provides the source of lithium ions. The anode allows the electric current flow through an external circuit. When the battery is charged, lithiumions are stored in this anode. The separator is what keeps the anode and cathode separate.Lithium batteries are much more energy dense than other types of batteries. Lithium batteries have a higher energy density than other batteries. They can store up to 150 watts of energy per kilogram (kg) compared with nickel-metal-hydride batteries (60-70WH/kg) and lead acid batteries (25WH/kg). However, they can also be subject to small-scale battery fires due to their flammable electrolyte. This was the reason for the notorious Samsung Note 7 smartphone fires. Samsung had to stop production and lost $26 billion in market value. This has never happened to large-scale lithium batteries.Lithium-ion batteries are also more expensive to produce, as they can cost nearly 40% more to produce than nickel-cadmium batteries.Competitors.Lithium-ion faces competition from a number of alternative battery technologies, most of which are in a development stage. Saltwater-powered batteries are one such option. They are currently in development. There are also potential battery types such as the urine-powered batteries by Bristol Robotics Laboratory and the University of California Riverside's lithium Ion battery. This battery uses sand for the anode rather than graphite, making it three times stronger than the industry standard.
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